Not all who wander are lost

My retirement bucket list is extensive. Trails to hike. Mountains to climb. New friends to meet. My husband and I are busy working our plan to create the best retirement possible.

But it all changed this spring when I read one line from a Mary Oliver poem.

“Listen — are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”

Just one sentence re-ordered my life.

So here’s the new plan. I’m going to spend a few months hiking those trails and climbing those mountains while I still can. Best of all, I’m going to be making new friends on the Montana Hi-line and collecting their oral histories.

No job. No family responsibilities. No financial retirement plan. And probably not very many showers.

You can come along for the adventure too! Follow this blog and my Instagram account

We’re going to live this summer like someone left the gate open!


P.S. Just in case you’re wondering, here are the answers to the three questions that my friends are asking.

  1.  No — I’m not getting divorced.
  2.  No — I’m not sick.
  3.  No — I didn’t get fired.


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  1. SrJulie Osf

    I send you on with my support, love and certainly my prayers. Let the wind of the Holy Spirit lift you up and carry you forward to the place where your soul waits for you!
    “All will be well; All is well!”


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